So, when I was going through my Cook's Illustrated magazines, their reviews of knives caught my attention. For the past two years they have been recommending the Forschner Victorinox Fibrox 8-inch chef's knife. It's at the top of their list, along with knives I've coveted (but put off buying) for years: Wüsthof and Henckels. And the price? From Cutlery and More, it was only $22.95!! With prices like that I also *splurged* on the 4" paring knife ($11.95). And to sweeten the deal, I found a 10% off coupon by using code SJ10 when I placed the order! (Shipping was reasonable too, at $4.95.)
The order was placed on Thursday, and the knives were in my hot little hands Monday. Sweet! I quickly opened the box, grabbed a tomato (which only my serrated bread knives and designated camper knife will cut) and chopped it up. I was impressed.

In a giddy mood, I was washing the chef's knife when.....SLICE.....I found out how sharp those knives were! The blood was gushing. I grabbed a paper towel (next time use a wet cloth...the dry ones were killer to take off the wound) and put pressure on the cut as I announced we were on our way to the emergency room! (We took a few moments to gather books, homework, etc.) and off we went.
Halfway through my visit, my friend, Jen calls and learns of my location. Ironically she sliced her finger a few days ago (MUCH, MUCH worse than mine). She came to be with my while my husband took Katie home. Friends are good!
While she was with me, I became aware that my "gushing" wound really wasn't as bad as I'd thought. I was half hoping I would need a half-dozen or so stitches to justify the trip to the ER. Sadly (or gladly???) the doc lifted the flap and said I needed a band-aid. (Earlier, with the gushing blood, even he, the medical doctor, thought it *might* need stitches, as he couldn't tell how deep it was. )
OK...a band-aid. I was partly glad that was all I needed, but of course bummed that I wasted 3 hours, and God-only-knows how much money to be told I only needed a band-aid. To make matters worse, the nurse gave me a circle band-aid....you know...the teeniest, tiniest band-aid in the box. I actually did ask for a larger one. You know, so I would have something to show for my pain; a big ol' bandage of honor.
I got the circle band-aid.

I hate to say it, but we've all done this. Once I was picked up in an ambulance, after suffering a horrid flip on my mountain bike. My injuries were legit, but I still felt silly. One of the paramedics said, "Don't worry. You are truly injured, with no skin on your thighs, chin...and a messed up back and shoulder. Yesterday, we picked up a woman who had sunscreen in her eyes."
You know, sometimes going to the doctor's office (or ER) is a no-brainer. The other times...a total crap shoot. Thankfully we don't make many trips to the ER; each member of the family has been once since we moved here 6+ years ago. So far my trip was the only "wasted" one.
Ah, well....I have my humiliating memory of the circle band-aid (which didn't even cover the whole wound, it turned out!).
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