It's been raining for a few days....odd weather for August in Oregon. But the sun came out late this evening (with a hint of blue sky). I went outside to weed, as weeding after a rain is sooooo much easier than weeding a dry ground. Anyway....what caught my eye was not the abundance of weeds (yes, they were there...they always are) but all the slugs creeping out from their hiding spots. They were everywhere.
So, I ran inside to get my favorite slug-killer of them all: table salt. Just a couple grains will do a slug in for good. They appear to melt, as they are being dehydrated.
Now, a lot of salt is not good for the plants, so I don't do this very often, and I'm careful not to get salt directly on a plant. I just dribble a few grains on each slug. It's quite satisfying to me as they cause so much damage to my plants.
For once, though, I'll spare you a picture...
Ugh, I really dislike slugs. I'm curious to see what they look like salted, but I can google that!
Google it with care...it's really pretty gross. I salt and dash, as I can't handle the melting!
My sons love to do the salt trick, I do not hang around for it though. LOL
I gotta say, I have never seen a slug like that before, and I have never seen one salted..My curiousity it up! I will refrain. It is late and I don't want nightmares! LOL
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