Monday, June 29, 2009

Support your daisies!

"Alaska" Shasta Daisies, that is! I bought one little pot of them several years ago, and have since divided them into five clumps (not to mention the divisions I've given away). With the right soil (and soil really is everything) a clump will grow to nearly 5' high and about 3-4' in diameter. These tall beauties look lovely when they're in a natural clump. But eventually (halfway through their bloom time) they will flop over every which way.

Support is essential if you want perky daisies! The simplest way I've found to support them is to tie 3 circles of jute around them as they're growing. It's a loose circle, just tight enough that the jute won't slip down. I've used stakes too. In fact the original clump in the back has 5 green stakes with the twine wrapped around those. No matter how you choose to do it, give them a bit of support.

Here's what they'll look like without support:

Inside the clump you can see the stems falling over in all directions:

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