Monday, June 29, 2009

Gardening To-Do List (Yet Again....)

6/29/09: I'm re-posting the below post from Spring of 2008. I'll add new to-dos in red, and also use red to strike out anything I've recently accomplished. Sadly, I fear there will still be a lot left from last year!

Spring 2008:
Sadly, most of the things on here are from last summer/fall. I'd like to take care of 2 things a week from this list. So, that's what my Spring Gardening Resolution is! I'll cross out the task and date it once it's completed...just so I (and you!) can see how I'm doing.

Gardening To-Do List

Clean out gardening bench area. 5/15/08
Create a fence/barrior to hide the mess. (OOOoooo...One of my hydrangeas could help with this task!!)

Clean the chair covers. 5/15/09 (Hosed them off, and then put them in the washing machine!)

Strengthen the 3 trellis sections with galvanized wire. 3/18/08

Add wire to support the clematis by the dining room window. 3/18/08

butterfly bushes

Remove stepping stones by back patio. (This must get done. It will take 10 minutes tops!!!)

Put up a sturdier wire/wood trellis for the clematis by the shed.

Break down wooden pallet.

Create drip irrigation systems:
upper side patio
front porch/window/garage

Fertilize lawns. 5/15/08

1 purple flower
2 camellias (One died...)
1 coral bell
1 New Zealand flax (4/13/08-Gave it away at the gardening swap)
2 clematis by rhodies 4/13/08
9 dahlias 3/22/08
12 gladioli 3/22/08
3 lilies 3/22/08
Glowing Embers Hydrangea
Oakleaf Hydrangea
4 Heuchera
LaRita White Mum
Crazy Daisy
Apricot Twist Wallflower
Miss California Fuchsia
Winter Daphne

Add some aluminum sulfate to the two blue hydrangeas (by shed).

Repair back lawn.

Edge lawns.

Set into the ground 7 stepping stones in the north side yard.

Support the Mexican Orange bush so it’s not flopping. 4/6/08

Put bird netting along side yard trellis. Secure to keep cats out. 4/13/08

Plant more bulbs in fall: front & back yards.
4/13/08: Added about 20 more daffodils to the front.

Make a strawberry tower out of large pot, tiered baskets. 3/22/08

Dig out strawberries and move to their new home. 3/22/08

Figure out the property line along the south end of the yard. 5/14/08 (My measurements had been off by a foot. I just learned that the fence on the north side was built about one foot south of the property line. Now I know why I was off by a foot on the other side!)

Dig up the sorrel. 4/12/08

Move the fence back 3-4 3 feet along the south end of the yard.

Move the three astilbe plants to a sunnier (but not too sunny) spot. 4/12/08

Tear out the weed barrier by the maple tree.

Amend the soil by the maple tree.

Thin out:

Put thyme in the V by the pavers.

Place the barrel of mint on pavers.


Weed some more.

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