Our local waste company, W.O.W. (Western Oregon Waste) does a great job with our trash and recycling removal. We put it out and they pick it up. But as an avid gardener without a truck, at least half our garbage is yard waste.
I didn't feel so guilty about putting it in the trash as I was sure it would simply break down because it was all natural. At least I thought that way until someone told me that our garbage is placed in a huge plastic liner at the landfill, where natural yard waste isn't given a chance to naturally break down. It just takes up the same amount of space as the garbage.
Thankfully, just as I was having a bit of trouble with this guilt, W.O.W. is finally giving our community the option of a yard debris container which will be picked up every other week. FINALLY! I am thrilled that my yard waste won't take up any more room at the landfill. It can become compost, mulch, or some other organic material. Though it costs about $10 a month more, our waste bill will remain virtually the same, since we can now order a smaller garbage can or opt for service every other week (as opposed to weekly).
Thanks for this great information! I think an increasing number of people will be turning toward your website and other gardening websites, as Americans with no gardening experience plant wonderful recession gardens around the country: Recession Gardens.
I hadn't heard they were now giving that option! That is such a relief. Unlike you, we have just been making big piles in our yard of stuff we can't compost (perhaps you saw them? we have three going right now). We could get the smaller regular trash can too because our regular trash almost never fills the big one up half way.
I'm so happy Wow is finally doing this!
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