Saturday, March 12, 2011

Apple Fritters

This is an old recipe from the Joy of Cooking (1975 edition).  The first time I made it was about 30 years ago when I was in 9th grade and had to make a food to share with my class from my German heritage.  I don't know how authentic the recipe really is, but it sure is good.  It's not one that gets made that often (OK...rarely, if ever) because it's deep fried.  Recently I made it for my daughter and her friend's sleep-over breakfast.  They were gobbled up!

I don't have a deep-fryer or Fry Daddy contraption.  So these directions will talk you through it with a plain old saucepan as the fryer.  Use caution and don't drip any oil!

Apple Fritters

In a bowl mix together:
     2 eggs
     2/3 C milk
     1 TB melted butter
      1 C flour
     1/4 tsp salt
     1 TB sugar

Peel and chop 2-3 apples.  My preference is Granny Smith apples because of their tartness.  I love the tartness of the apples with the sweetness of the powdered sugar.  Mix the apples into the batter.

Heat oil in a saucepan to 375 degrees.  Don't fill it more than 2/3 full to prevent splattering.  While the oil heats, get 3 shallow bowls/plates ready.  Line two with paper towels, and place about a cup of powdered sugar in the third.  Line them up next to the stove. 

When the oil is ready, carefully spoon some batter/apples into the pot.  It should sizzle, but not burn.   Place a couple more spoonfuls into the oil.  After a minute or two, when browned on the bottom side, turn over.   The fritters should take 3-5 minutes to brown.  Remove with a slotted spoon onto one of the paper-towel lines plates.

Roll the fritter in powdered sugar, and then move to the other paper-towel lined plate.

Repeat until the rest of the batter is used.  Eat hot!

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