Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Accountability Tuesday

So I keep my blog topics strictly to the kitchen and garden topics.  I've veered twice...once when a president came to town, and then when we temporarily lived in Arizona last year.  I'm straying again, as the topic is my super messy office and my attempt to clean it.  But it is directly related to the blog.  How can I enjoy writing my blog from my computer when my office is such a pit?  How can I finish organizing the piles of recipes scraps  that I've recently pulled out of magazines?

Today is Accountability Tuesday.  It's just past 1 p.m. here and I'm going to keep at it all day until it's done.  I'll post progress photos on the hour (2:00, 3:00, etc.) so you can see if I've been slacking.  Anyone want to join in?  What project have you been putting off?

Office at 1 p.m.

What will 2 p.m. look like????
2:00 UPDATE:

3:00 UPDATE:
You can see the floor!  And some more counter!

4:00 UPDATE:
Found the floor!  Moved papers from the floor to the counter (easier to put away).  Took some time to take out trash, recycling, Goodwill items. Also moved a lot of things to other places in the house (their actual storage spots).  So, while a lot was accomplished, the pictures probably don't reflect that.

5:00 UPDATE:  Stopped working a bit when kids came over.  Now making dinner.  Will update again at 7 and keep going tonight!

December 12th UPDATE:  I spent the next few days filing away every single paper...a slow, but steady process. The room is *almost* clutter free!

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