Thursday, May 28, 2009

Freebies For Friends

My garden peaks in June, so I'm really trying to get it cleaned up so I can simply enjoy that month without a lot of work. As I'm weeding (a daily chore!) I'm finding a lot of little starts from last year's plants. Before I pull thin them out completely, they are yours for the asking. Right now I have:
  • Foxglove (variety of colors)
  • Creeping Jenny (spreading plant with bright yellow flowers)
  • Columbine (not sure what colors...)
  • Tomatillos (necessary for this enchilada sauce)
  • This rosy-red perennial (bottom right) that I can't find the plant tag to...


  1. Hi there! Found you on a google search for Jeff's U-Pick in Dayton (their number goes to some weird voicemail now). But I'm glad to have stumbled across your blog--I'm a friend of Dustpan Alley.

    And I couldn't help but contribute: that rosy-read perennial is valerian, or Centranthus ruber. Love, love, love the stuff.

    Nice to find you!

    ~Angela :-)

  2. Thanks for commenting! I'll have to update the local upick numbers. Thanks for the plant ID too. I have the tag somewhere but didn't have it handy when I wrote the post! I love it too and have passed quite a bit on to friends. Are you here in Mac?
