Saturday, March 28, 2009

Chicken Caesar Pizza

This is one of the few recipes that I make by heart. I never measure anything...just totally eyeball it. You really can't mess it up!

Pizza Dough (You can make it or buy it. I get mine from our favorite pizza place...they will sell just the dough ball, even though they don't advertise it.)
Parmesan Cheese, shredded
Monterey Jack Cheese, shredded
Newman's Creamy Caesar Dressing (of course you can use other brands; I've tried several, and seem to like this one best)
8 oz. Chicken, chopped
Garlic, minced
Olive Oil

Place your pizza stone in the oven if you like a crispier bottom. (If you like a softer bottom, skip this step).
Preheat the oven to 500 degrees. (This allows the stone to heat up in the oven too.)

Heat up a skillet, and stir-fry the chicken pieces with 1 TB Caesar Dressing.
Press a clove of garlic into the pan.

Roll out your dough.
As soon as your stone is hot, take it out of the oven and assemble the toppings quickly.
The dough will sizzle a bit as it's placed on the hot stone.
Drizzle olive oil over the dough, spreading it evenly.
Press two cloves of garlic on the dough, and spread that evenly.
Add the cheeses and chicken mixture to your liking.

Cook for 10 minutes.

Variations: Sometimes I add a bit of olive oil to the pan with chicken or I'll add a little Caesar on the dough. I also like to add fresh basil when I have it, sundried tomatoes, mushrooms, or other toppings. Feta or goat cheese would also be good on top.


  1. This one looks and sounds really, really great too. I can't wait to try this one. We buy the dough balls too and frequently grill pizza on the BBQ during the summer. Oh so good! Yum!

  2. Absolutely fabulous! Yum, yum, yum. Had it tonight and my mom tried it at her house too. We ALL loved it. Thanks for sharing. :)

  3. Thanks for sharing! Always nice to know when people like the recipes!

  4. I am Michelle's Mom and I just had to say for myself that this was the best pizza that we have ever had!! We make grilled pizza on the BBQ when the weather permits (which is almost nonexistant these days!) and this is going to be THE ONE we use for baking in the oven. I intend to tell everyone about this one. Thanks for letting us use your recipe. Janet

  5. Thanks, Janet! I got the recipe at a Pampered Chef party I went to a few years ago. It's not one of their company's recipes, but the consultant used it to sell the stones. I don't know where she got it from. We've always liked it!!
