Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cinnamon Sugar Pastries

AKA...what to do with all those pie crust scraps!

Did you have a bunch of pie crust scraps leftover? What did you do with them? It seems such a waste to toss them out, when really, the crust is the best part of the pie.

I got this idea from a former vendor from our local Farmer's Market. She used to sell her pies and her pie crust scraps. They were baked with a coating of cinnamon and sugar and were mouth-watering (the pies and the scraps).

So, tonight, when I had a bunch of pie scraps leftover, I stuck them on a baking sheet, sprinkled with a little cinnamon and sugar and baked them. I baked them at 400 degrees for 10-15 minutes, until they browned. When they were still hot from the oven, I sprinkled a little more sugar on them. Oh, my goodness. I'm tempted to serve these tomorrow instead of pie!

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