Food and Garden Dailies started as a way to record my family's favorite recipes. It has come in handy many times when I'm asked for a recipe. I simply email a link to the blog! But I couldn't just stick to recipes. The kitchen is tied to the garden in so many ways...and so I let you into my ever changing garden as well.

If you're interested in my all-time favorite recipes, check out this post first: My Favorite Recipes

Monday, November 12, 2007

Blooming in November

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A storm is passing through right now. The wind gusts are about 40 mph, and I'm just *waiting* for my rose bushes to be uprooted once again.... Though windy for Oregon, it's nothing like the hurricane winds from South Carolina.

^^^ Passion flower

Despite the cold, rainy, windy weather, there are still some blossoms throughout the yard.

<------?? (from a mixed seed pack)

------------> Orange Wallflower

Penstemon ^

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