Monday, September 10, 2007

The Teeny-Tiny Circle Band-aid and the Very Sharp Knife

So, for quite some time now, I've realized that my knives were simply not cutting it (literally). I had a set of Pampered Chef knives that I got as a half price host gift a few years ago. I got the set because I had been really pleased with the one knife I had bought from them a few years prior to that. However, the set I got was different from the previous set. It was supposed to be better...a better grip so your hand couldn't slip and slide and cut itself. The self-sharpening case had to be squeezed to sharpen the blade (a task which strained my wrists, so I'm not sure if I was squeezing tight enough...that could have been the problem). The former style of knives sharpened easily each time they went into the case. That particular knife continues to be one of my favorites. We keep it in the camper, but recently I've been sneaking it into the kitchen when I needed a sharper blade.

So, when I was going through my Cook's Illustrated magazines, their reviews of knives caught my attention. For the past two years they have been recommending the Forschner Victorinox Fibrox 8-inch chef's knife. It's at the top of their list, along with knives I've coveted (but put off buying) for years: Wüsthof and Henckels. And the price? From Cutlery and More, it was only $22.95!! With prices like that I also *splurged* on the 4" paring knife ($11.95). And to sweeten the deal, I found a 10% off coupon by using code SJ10 when I placed the order! (Shipping was reasonable too, at $4.95.)
The order was placed on Thursday, and the knives were in my hot little hands Monday. Sweet! I quickly opened the box, grabbed a tomato (which only my serrated bread knives and designated camper knife will cut) and chopped it up. I was impressed.

In a giddy mood, I was washing the chef's knife when.....SLICE.....I found out how sharp those knives were! The blood was gushing. I grabbed a paper towel (next time use a wet cloth...the dry ones were killer to take off the wound) and put pressure on the cut as I announced we were on our way to the emergency room! (We took a few moments to gather books, homework, etc.) and off we went.

Halfway through my visit, my friend, Jen calls and learns of my location. Ironically she sliced her finger a few days ago (MUCH, MUCH worse than mine). She came to be with my while my husband took Katie home. Friends are good!

While she was with me, I became aware that my "gushing" wound really wasn't as bad as I'd thought. I was half hoping I would need a half-dozen or so stitches to justify the trip to the ER. Sadly (or gladly???) the doc lifted the flap and said I needed a band-aid. (Earlier, with the gushing blood, even he, the medical doctor, thought it *might* need stitches, as he couldn't tell how deep it was. )

OK...a band-aid. I was partly glad that was all I needed, but of course bummed that I wasted 3 hours, and God-only-knows how much money to be told I only needed a band-aid. To make matters worse, the nurse gave me a circle know...the teeniest, tiniest band-aid in the box. I actually did ask for a larger one. You know, so I would have something to show for my pain; a big ol' bandage of honor.

I got the circle band-aid.


  1. I hate to say it, but we've all done this. Once I was picked up in an ambulance, after suffering a horrid flip on my mountain bike. My injuries were legit, but I still felt silly. One of the paramedics said, "Don't worry. You are truly injured, with no skin on your thighs, chin...and a messed up back and shoulder. Yesterday, we picked up a woman who had sunscreen in her eyes."

  2. You know, sometimes going to the doctor's office (or ER) is a no-brainer. The other times...a total crap shoot. Thankfully we don't make many trips to the ER; each member of the family has been once since we moved here 6+ years ago. So far my trip was the only "wasted" one.

    Ah, well....I have my humiliating memory of the circle band-aid (which didn't even cover the whole wound, it turned out!).
