Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Summer Garden (Front Yard)

One of the first things that attracted me to McMinnville were these huge flower baskets all over town. They line the streets, parking lots, schools, etc. Even our industrial area has them on display! As soon as the weather is warm enough (early-mid May) I head down to my favorite basket nursery and purchase three for our home. Two matching ones go in the front, on each side of our front window. The third one goes in back. It's visible from our living areas (kitchen, family room). I just love these!!

Summer is in full swing here, and so is the garden! Although I must say some areas are doing better than expected and others...well...not so much...

Here's a peek at our front yard on the left of the driveway. Everything here was planted last summer, so there's still room for it all to grow and fill in . Some of the plants are still quite small, but all are doing well.

My favorite part of the front yard is the side patio we built on the upper right side of the house. There are steps leading you from the driveway up to the patio. Brian and I love to sit and chat or read at the little table. Toward the back are some raised garden beds. The large one on the right is waaaaaaaay too crowded, and desperately needs to be thinned so the tomato plants and other veggies will kick into high gear. Last year I spread perennial flower seeds throughout this bed, with the intention that I would transplant the flowers to the front and backyards. While I have moved hundreds of plants already, I think there are at least a hundred left that really need to find a new home. Eventually this will be an all fruit/veggie bed....tomatoes (cherry, Roma, pear), broccoli, cucumbers, snap peas, strawberries, rhubarb, lettuce, etc. For now, it's just plain crowded!

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